bye dear lovely molly October . for me you are my sweet memory ever . everything that happen on October will keep in my head .
hello dear November what will you bring it to me huh ! i'm frust enough this 1st November . I dont know how to tell mom and dad about it . I think i will cry when i tell em about it . cause i feel it now . hmmm , be strong ? what strong that i can be huh ! its already tell me . apa nak buat huh !?!
mungkin dengar je la mom and dad bising kn . sorry sbb buat mama and abah kecewa lg . this time more kecewa kn . im dissapointed to . tp i've try my best okay my best . bersengkang mata study 3-6 a.m . study smart tak jalan study hard pun tak jalan , xstudy lg tak jalan kn . i hope mama and abah boleh terima . now nk tunggu kwn bg thu cara nk bt rayuan . hmmmm , i still wanna study . bye need sometimes and kumpul kekuatan nk bgthu mom and dad about it . or should i get married ? hahaha nonesense kan . k la , bubye .